As a response to the unnerving new reality of living through a pandemic, we wanted to create a large scale public artwork to help comfort our community. While it seemed like everything was beginning to crumble around us, we wanted to help everyone remember that 'This Too Shall Pass'. This short but impactful message struck the community by surprise and inspired countless passersby to stop, photograph, and share the sentiment on social media. We even made it onto the cover of Madison Magazine.

Ray preps the patterns on his garage door.
The color has begun.

One more word to go!

Ray signing the finished mural.
The mural was featured on the front cover of the June 2020 Madison Magazine, as an example of "Madison's Voices of Resilience" [during the pandemic]. Click on the photo to read the full article.
The article included a feature of our very own Ray Mawst! Click on the photo to read the full article.